’18年12月29~30日 コアコース東京開催!> 満席になりました!

A core course to learn your body and mind deeply will be held in Tokyo. It will be a valuable experience with the direct guidance of Hitomi Yamamoto, the founder of Self-Feeling Pilates.

If you want to go deeper into your everyday class and learn more, and if you are interested in pilates instructor training, please join us.

Self-Feeling Pilates is a pilates to release the energy of mind and body and restore its original beauty by calm exercise that is different from the conventional Pilates method. We will train you to feel your physical sense deeply and improve your skills to read information from the whole body.

Apply from here

Core course fee

In the core course, besides mat exercises, you will learn about your body, including bone alignment and release techniques, and the skills you can care for yourself.

Schedule December 29th and 30th All from 13:00 to 18:30 (30 minutes break included)
Fee 90,000 yen (excluding tax) / All 10 hours (2 days)
Number of people held Held by 4 people
place Studio Soleil 2-9-15 Nakano-ku, Tokyo Sun Heights Nakano 202, Room 302
Inquiry contact@selfeelingpilates.com

Apply from here

Content to learn in the core course

  • Bone alignment
  • Breathing method
  • Core concept to support the body
  • Release technique
  • Basic mat exercise

Pilates is recommended for ‘Body Experts’

Self- feeling Pilates is no exaggeration to say that it is the ultimate self-care . By knowing the structure of your body, you can understand the underlying causes, such as why the disorder occurs and where the bone distortion comes from. Only with that understanding can you find ways to improve things that aren’t unreasonable.

Anyone who does not have Pilates experience but would like to know the structure of the body can participate. Many body therapists, midwives and occupational therapists have participated.

Mr. Yagi is working as a chiropractor, and as a self-feeling pilates instructor

The core course is recommended for this kind of person

  • Occupations of body care and health care
  • Interested in SFP® Taki Instructor
  • Those who want to fuse their expanded consciousness to the body, those who want to regain the clarity of mind and body
  • If you want to cleanse the mind
  • If you want to be more supple and comfortable in mind and body, and spend without rebound
  • Because the teacher corrects the movement while touching the body, it was easy to understand
  • How to sit in the chair, how to get up in the morning, how to cope with back pain, self-massage after PC work, breathing when you can not go to bed, I can not write, but a lot of things you do in everyday life!
  • A teacher who says magnificent teaching in places. I was desperate to listen without missing.
  • The Lord of one’s own body is the only one in the world who seemed to love and take more care of that body. It was a valuable time.

I look forward to seeing you in Tokyo.

Schedule December 29th and 30th All from 13:00 to 18:30 (30 minutes break included)
Fee 90,000 yen (excluding tax) / All 10 hours (2 days)
Number of people held Held by 4 people
place Studio Soleil 2-9-15 Nakano-ku, Tokyo Sun Heights Nakano 202, Room 302
Inquiry contact@selfeelingpilates.com

Apply from here

※ This course is a compulsory course for those who are going to the instructor training course in the future. If you are interested in the Pilates Instructor Training Course, please visit this link. https://selfeelingpilates.com/Training class /


2018 Training Course Tokyo

31st, April 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
July 3rd,July 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 14th
