
“During pregnancy, let’s have a baby in your stomach cozy.”

“And please do not forget to have a comfortable and comfortable maternity life by not have your baby going down with a baby.”

This is what I always talk to a pregnant woman who is in the SELPHY ring Pilates class.

But everyone is not like the position of the uterus?

Can you control the position of your baby?

Did you know that the position of the uterus is determined by the state of the body?

And the position of the baby can actually be controlled.

To be precise, the uterus can be kept high and the baby kept high by bringing the uterus closer to the spinal column without lowering by weight.

This is done done by interlocking the pelvic floor muscle (the muscle group supporting the internal organs at the bottom of the pelvis) and belly pressure and respiration.

The uterus is an organ contained in the pelvis, the center of the body.

I think that it is impossible to incline the uterus if this pelvis is tilted.

As the pregnancy progresses, the pelvis tends to lean forward so that it gets pulled by the heavy stomach.

Then, the position that the uterus will be in the front, that went away in the front, and the baby will hang around in a hanging position, and as a result the mother will be caused to have low back pain.

Therefore, continuing to control the pelvis in the middle, the position of the uterus and the position of the uterine cervix will be stabilized if that can be done.



And the other very important thing is to do the image that the baby comes closer to.

The power of this image is tremendously important.

Because it is important information that does not tell anywhere, almost I think that many people would like to know,

Although I’m obliged, I would like to teach those who have decided to send a happy maternity life, if I could screen out who I would like to teach.

Because the power of the image is enormous.

Because it is an elderly person

Because I do not have physical strength

Trouble or something happens

I think pain is painful

Believe that they will not work (to happen in reality)

So I would not spend passively when I had no choice.

Send a happy maternity life,

And I’m having having fun with my baby

I decided to decide “Axis” for the most you can feel stable

I think that it will become a pillar.


It is my job to show that chance

I feel that it, I think that it is my mission to know it.

So I’d like you to experience and trust more than anything else.

Infinite possibilities of myself and baby

SELPHY ring The technique I’m talking about in Pilates is support to bring out what you believe.

I’m still worried, let’s feel the first thing to believe in myself if you do not care.

It makes me more confident to feel more than I think with my head.

Please come along with your belly baby in Lunlun.

We are waiting for maternity lesson.

“Controlling the position of the uterus properly” I would like you to know this.


Your body and supporters
Hitomi Yamamoto

Private class for pregnant women is also available!

☆ Selphy ring Pilates class booking (Singapore) is here >>

☆ Selphy ring Pilates official website >>

☆ SELPHY ring Pilates FB page >>



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